Calculating GST & Service Charges in SG 2024

How the GST Rate Change Impacts You

In Singapore, when you buy something, you almost always pay more than the stated price due to GST and service charge. These charges, at 8% and 10% of the item's retail price, respectively, are payable when you receive the bill at most restaurants and hotels. As many of us know, commencing from 1 January 2024, Singapore will implement the second tranche of its Goods and Services Tax (GST) hike, transitioning from 8% to 9%. Let's find out more in this post on calculating GST & service charges in SG 2024.

There are scenarios where one or more of the following events straddle 1 Jan 2024:

Easy Way to Add GST and Service Charge to Your Bill

No need for complicated calculators! Here’s a super simple way to figure out your bill with extra charges:

Here's the example:

Its is easy to calculate Singaporean GST at 9% rate:

1.If $100 is the GST exclusive value

$100 * 0.09 = $9 GST amount.

2. To get the GST inclusive amount, multiply the GST exclusive value by 1.09.

For a $100 GST exclusive value, $100 * 1.09 = $109 GST inclusive amount.

3. To extract the GST part from a GST inclusive amount, divide the GST inclusive amount by 109 and multiply by 9.

If $109 is the GST inclusive value, then ($109/109) * 9 = $9 GST value.

Calculating GST & Service Charges in SG 2024 can be daunting. Here's more on Things you need to know about GST in 2024
Read more: What is GST and how it works!