What is GST and how it works!

February 27, 2024

Navigating Singapore's bustling urban landscape, understanding its tax system can prove daunting. Among the complexities faced by businesses and individuals is the notion of service charges. It's essential for anyone in Singapore to grasp the ins and outs of service charges and their mechanics.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the question, "What is a service charge in Singapore?" We'll also discuss the process of applying for Goods and Services Tax (GST) registration and provide insights into the complex calculations involved in service charges in this vibrant city-state. Let's begin this informative journey!

What is the Service Charge in Singapore?

In Singapore, the service charge, also referred to as the service fee, is an extra expense for certain services provided. It's usually will be add based on service-oriented businesses to cover the costs of delivering their services. Unlike the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which applies to a wide range of goods and services, the service charge is a separate fee that customers pay on top of the bill.

When dining out or booking accommodation in Singapore, patrons may notice that the final bill surpasses the advertised price. This is primarily due to two charges: GST and the service charge. While GST is fixed at 8% of the item's retail value, the service charge typically stands at 10%. These charges are payable upon receipt of the bill at many eateries and hotels across the island.

Some places include GST in their menu prices, showing the total amount you'll pay. However, some people add a "++" to indicate that both GST and the service charge are included. It's important for customers to know about these extra costs to avoid surprises at checkout.

It's important to understand that service charges add to the total expenses of dining or lodging experiences. The money collected from these charges helps cover various operational costs, including staff salaries and maintenance. Specifically, the service charge allows businesses to recognize and compensate their employees for providing excellent service.

As we look forward, it's important to take note that Singapore's GST rate will rise to 9% in 2024. This change will affect the costs of items and services, including those with a service charge. Keeping up with these updates helps people plan their spending wisely.

How to Calculate Service Charge in Singapore

Understanding how to calculate the service charge in Singapore is crucial for anyone dining out or staying in hotels in this dynamic city-state. Unlike the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which is a fixed percentage of 8%, the service charge is usually 10% of the total bill. It's important to know how this charge is calculated to avoid any surprises when paying your bills. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to calculate the service charge:

Step 1: Check the Service Charge Percentage

Before you start dining out or booking a hotel, make sure to check the service charge percentage. You can usually find this information on the menu or displayed prominently in the establishment. While it's often set at 10%, it's important to confirm the rate for the specific place you plan to visit.

Step 2: Calculate the Service Charge Amount

Once you’ve identified the service charge percentage, calculating the service charge amount is straightforward. You simply multiply the service charge percentage (expressed as a decimal) by the total bill amount before the application of GST.

Step 3: Add the Service Charge to the Bill

Then, we add the calculated service charge amount to the total bill amount.

Step 4: Apply GST

After the service charge is added, the next step is to apply the Goods and Services Tax (GST). This will be calculate based on the total bill amount, including the service charge. The current GST rate in Singapore is 8%.

Step 5: Calculate the Final Bill Amount

To determine the final bill amount that you need to pay, add the GST amount to the total bill amount, including the service charge.

In short, understanding and calculating service charges in Singapore helps you make informed decisions when enjoying the city's food and hospitality. It ensures clarity about your expenses and allows you to appreciate the services provided. As you explore Singapore's vibrant dining scene and hospitality sector, it's important to keep up with changes like the upcoming GST hike to 9% in 2024.


Clooud Consulting LLP is a trusted business and accounting consultancy firm to support local entrepreneurs across various stages of their business journey. With a focus on building core capabilities and fostering transformation, we empower businesses to thrive in today's dynamic and ever-changing environments.

Furthermore, Clooud Consulting LLP is a finalist for the Medium Singapore Accounting Partner of the Year award at the XERO Singapore Awards 2023.

At Clooud Consulting LLP, we understand the importance of leveraging digital solutions to enhance efficiencies and productivity. By minimizing paperwork and streamlining processes, we enable our clients to focus on what they do best – growing their business. Our team of experienced professionals will provide tailored guidance and strategic advice to help businesses achieve their goals and navigate challenges effectively.

Whether you're just starting out or already established, Clooud Consulting LLP is here to assist you at every stage. Reach out to us now to discover how we can empower your business to succeed in today's digital landscape.

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